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Student-Athlete Advisory Committee


Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC)

The mission of Point Park University's Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) is to enhance the total student-athlete experience by promoting academic excellence, sportsmanship and service within the community. SAAC provides all student-athletes with a way to communicate their ideas to athletic administration and with all other student-athletes. SAAC seeks to help student-athletes become leaders within the committee, their team and the community.

Point Park's SAAC is made up of student-athlete representatives from each of the Pioneers' varsity teams. They act as a liason between the athletic department and their team regarding the needs and concerns that impact on their academic performance, athletic concerns and personal well-being. Members of the committee also act as a liaison to the River States Conference by providing information and suggestions on the unique needs and accomplishments of Point Park student-athletes.


Foster a positive student-athlete image

Share ideas and suggestions in order to enhance Point Park University athletics

Increase campus and community awareness of all athletic teams

Advocate student-athlete involvement in the community

SAAC Advisor

Bridget Bielich-Head Women’s Volleyball Coach


Alexis Lamontagne -- Men’s Soccer

Chanell Britten -- Women’s Soccer

Elise Wallace – Volleyball

Jean Santos -- Baseball

Bella Magilocco -- Softball

Kaitlyn Caiarelli – Competitive Cheer

Nina Dibacco – Competitive Dance

Mason Hedge -- Esports

Josh Gosselin -- Men’s Cross Country

Allison Plassio -- Women’s Cross Country

Chevaughn Fletcher -- Men’s Track & Field

Anna Eisaman -- Women’s Track & Field

Tyler Stephens -- Men’s Basketball

Emma Pavelek -- Women’s Basketball

Anthony Santilli -- Men’s Golf

Darian Lees -- Women’s Golf